Automatic Creation Of ADD, ImageIQ, and RawHide Smart Albums in Aperture

I have created a procedure that will automatically generate some custom smart albums apropriate for use with ADD, ImageIQ For Aperture, and RawHide For Aperture.

1. Save this Aperture Library to you desktop or somewhere else convenient. This library has no images in it, and only contains smart albums. Smart Albums

2. Open up Aperture with the library you normally use.
3. In Aperture select the File->Import->Library... menu item.
4. Select the " Smart Albums.aplibrary" library.
5. Import it... You'll now find that your library has a bunch of new smart albums

These smart albums include:

Name Keyword Rule Notes
Hash Duplicates with Originals Hash Duplicate or Hash Original ADD: Generic use.
Filename Duplicates Filename Duplicate ADD: Generic Use
Date Duplicates Date Duplicate ADD: Generic Use
Similar Duplicates (Date Duplicate or Filename Duplicate) and any Similar keyword ADD: For use with Auto-ImageIQ option. This option is enabled by default.
Hash Duplicates/No Originals Hash Duplicate and does not have Hash Original keyword ADD: For use when the Auto-Reject option has been enabled.
Hash Originals Hash Original ADD: For use when the Auto-Reject option has been enabled.
Processed ADD Processed ADD: For use when the Tag All Processed Images option is enabled.
Unique ADD Unique ADD: For use when Tag Unique Images option is enabled.
ImageIQ Targets ImageIQ Target ImageIQ: The image that a search was performed on within ImageIQ.
All ImageIQs Any keyword whose parent is ADD ImageIQ ImageIQ: Any image found by an ImageIQ search.
RawHide Original/Processed RawHide Original or RawHide Processed RawHide: Generic use. Shows all images processed by RawHide.
RawHide Originals RawHide Original RawHide: Generic use. Shows the images selected for conversion.
RawHide Processed RawHide Processed RawHide: Generic use. Shows the converted images.